Breathing for a salve is a privilege and I decide when to take it away! Whatch as I take control of this loser most basic need. Breathing!! With My ass I control him so that no particle of air can enter his useless lungs, he can only smell My ass and latex. I also control his airflow with My legs as a scissor his face to the point it was about to pop.
He is such a lucky slave that he is still breathing. But now he knows I can take that away effortlessly. He is such a loser!
呼吸对奴隶来说是一种特权,我决定何时将其夺走! 当我控制这个失败者最基本的需求时,该怎么办? 呼吸!! 我用我的屁股控制他,使任何空气颗粒都不能进入他无用的肺部,他只能闻到我的屁股和乳胶的味道。 我还用我的腿控制他的气流,就像剪刀一样把他的脸剪到快要爆开的程度。他真是一个幸运的奴隶,他还有呼吸。 但现在他知道我可以毫不费力地把它拿走。 他真是个失败者!
